In act 1, scene 2, what does Walter Lee mean when he tells Mama that money is life in the following conversation?

Mama: Son—how come you talk so much 'bout money?

Walter: (With immense passion) Because it is life, Mama!

Write your response in complete sentences and use what you’ve learned about
Walter to help explain what he means and why he says it.

Walter Lee's statement that "money is life" in this conversation can be understood by considering his character and circumstances. Throughout the play, Walter expresses frustration and dissatisfaction with his current situation, particularly with his job as a chauffeur and his perceived lack of financial opportunity. He dreams of using money to improve the lives of his family and to fulfill his own personal ambitions. For Walter, money represents the potential for a better life, with opportunities for success and happiness.

Walter's passion when he says "money is life" suggests that he sees money as the key to unlocking his dreams and aspirations. He believes that having financial resources will give him the power to overcome the limitations and frustrations he faces. Walter is tired of living paycheck to paycheck and wants to break free from the cycle of poverty. To him, money is not just a means to meet basic needs but a gateway to a more fulfilling existence.

Additionally, Walter's emphasis on money may stem from feeling emasculated and undervalued in society. As an African American man in the 1950s, Walter faces systemic racism and limited opportunities for economic advancement. He is determined to prove his worth and provide for his family in a way that goes beyond mere survival. Money represents the tangible symbol of his success and ability to provide for his loved ones.

Overall, Walter's statement reflects his desperation for change and his belief that money is the catalyst for a better life. It signifies his desire for financial independence, social mobility, and personal fulfillment. By emphasizing the importance of money, Walter is expressing his frustration with his current circumstances and his determination to create a brighter future for himself and his family.