Write a function rule for the table.

Hours Worked Pay
2 $12.50
4 $25.00
6 $37.50
8 $50.00

p = h + 12.5

h = 6.25p

p = 12.5h

p = 6.25h

The function rule for the table is: p = 6.25h, where p represents the pay and h represents the hours worked.

Define a variable and write an expression for the phrase.

the quotient of 2 times a number and 19

Let's define the variable as "x". The expression for the given phrase would be:

(2x) / 19

Which set of numbers is the most reasonable to describe a person’s hat size?

irrational numbers

whole numbers

rational numbers


The most reasonable set of numbers to describe a person's hat size would be whole numbers. Hat sizes are typically represented by whole numbers such as 6, 7, 8, etc. Irrational numbers, rational numbers, and integers are not commonly used to describe hat sizes.

The total cost to rent a row boat is $18 times the number of hours the boat is used. Write an equation to model this situation if c = total cost and h = number of hours.

h = 18c

c = 18h

c – 18 = h

The equation to model this situation would be:

c = 18h

Which set of numbers is the most reasonable to describe the number of desks in a classroom?

rational numbers


whole numbers

irrational numbers

The most reasonable set of numbers to describe the number of desks in a classroom would be whole numbers. Desks are typically counted using integers, as they are discrete items that cannot be divided or expressed as fractions. Therefore, whole numbers, which include zero and all positive integers, would be the most appropriate set to describe the number of desks in a classroom. Rational numbers and irrational numbers are not typically used to describe discrete quantities like the number of desks in a classroom.

Define a variable and write an expression for the phrase.

8 minus a number


8 – n

