simplify the following expression

(81x - 67y) - (55x + 6y)

To simplify the expression (81x - 67y) - (55x + 6y), we can distribute the negative sign inside the second set of parentheses:

81x - 67y - 55x - 6y

Now, we can combine like terms by adding or subtracting coefficients of the same variables:

(81x - 55x) + (-67y - 6y)

Combining the x terms, we have:

(81 - 55)x + (-67 - 6)y

Simplifying, we get:

26x - 73y

simplify the following expression

(39 - 7y) + (32x + 70y)

To simplify the expression (39 - 7y) + (32x + 70y), we can combine like terms by adding or subtracting coefficients of the same variables:

(39 + 32x) + (-7y + 70y)

Simplifying the x terms, we have:

39 + 32x -7y + 70y

Combining the y terms, we get:

39 + 32x + 63y

Therefore, the simplified expression is 39 + 32x + 63y.

To simplify the given expression (81x - 67y) - (55x + 6y), we need to perform the operation of subtraction within the parentheses.

Let's distribute the negative sign to the terms inside the second parentheses:
= 81x - 67y - 55x - 6y

Next, we can combine like terms by adding or subtracting coefficients of similar variables:
= (81x - 55x) + (-67y - 6y)
= 26x - 73y

Therefore, the simplified expression is 26x - 73y.