What are two mayors and colonist immigrated to the US that are now part of our American identity

Two mayors and colonists who immigrated to the US and have become part of the American identity are:

1. Alexander Hamilton: Alexander Hamilton, originally from the Caribbean island of Nevis, immigrated to the United States in the late 1770s. He played a crucial role in the American Revolution and was one of the most influential Founding Fathers. As the first Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton's economic policies and vision for a strong central government greatly shaped the American identity, including the establishment of a national bank, a modern financial system, and a strong federal government.

2. Fiorello La Guardia: Fiorello La Guardia, born in New York City to Italian immigrant parents, became one of the most iconic mayors in American history. He served as the mayor of New York City from 1934 to 1945 and is well-known for his progressive policies and reform efforts during the Great Depression. La Guardia's commitment to social justice and his efforts to fight corruption in government have had a lasting impact on American political and administrative systems. His emphasis on good governance, public integrity, and support for the working class resonates with the American identity.