Mr. Brown collected two random samples of 100 students each, with the results listed below. Make an inference as to which type of movie is least popular among the students.

A frequency table titled, What is your favorite type of movie? Sample 1: comedy, 38. drama, 12. horror, 28. musical, 22. Sample 2: comedy, 41. drama, 14. horror, 33. musical, 12.

To determine which type of movie is least popular among the students, we can compare the frequencies of each type of movie in both samples.

In Sample 1, the frequencies are:
- Comedy: 38
- Drama: 12
- Horror: 28
- Musical: 22

In Sample 2, the frequencies are:
- Comedy: 41
- Drama: 14
- Horror: 33
- Musical: 12

Comparing the frequencies, we can see that the least popular type of movie among the students is musical, as it has the lowest frequency in both samples (22 in Sample 1 and 12 in Sample 2).

wich are the answers horror muical comedy drama

Based on the given data, the least popular type of movie among the students is musical.

To determine which type of movie is least popular among the students, we can compare the frequencies of each type for both samples.

In Sample 1:
- The frequency of comedy is 38.
- The frequency of drama is 12.
- The frequency of horror is 28.
- The frequency of musical is 22.

In Sample 2:
- The frequency of comedy is 41.
- The frequency of drama is 14.
- The frequency of horror is 33.
- The frequency of musical is 12.

To find the least popular type of movie, we need to compare the frequencies of the different types across both samples. Let's calculate the total frequencies for each type of movie:

For comedy:
- Sample 1: 38
- Sample 2: 41
- Total: 38 + 41 = 79

For drama:
- Sample 1: 12
- Sample 2: 14
- Total: 12 + 14 = 26

For horror:
- Sample 1: 28
- Sample 2: 33
- Total: 28 + 33 = 61

For musical:
- Sample 1: 22
- Sample 2: 12
- Total: 22 + 12 = 34

Comparing the frequencies, we can see that drama is the least popular type of movie among the students, as it has the lowest total frequency across the two samples (26).