The ratio of girls to boys in the school is 3 19 1. If there is a total of 400 students, how many are boys? The answer must be a whole number.

The ratio given is not in the correct form, so we need to simplify it. Since the ratio is 3:19:1, we can rewrite it as 3x:19x:x, where x represents a common factor for all three numbers.

To find the value of x, we add the three parts of the ratio together:

3x + 19x + x = 400

23x = 400

To solve for x, divide both sides by 23:

x = 400 / 23

x ≈ 17.39

Since we can only have a whole number of students, the value of x must be rounded down to 17.

To find the number of boys, we multiply the value of x by the ratio for boys: 17 * x.

Boys = 17 * x = 17 * 17 = 289

Therefore, there are 289 boys in the school.