A village has a population of 4200 and a population density of 700 people per km.

An estate is built next to the village.
The estate has an area of 2 km and a population density of 800 people per km.

Work out the population density for the village and the estate together.

To find the total population density for the village and the estate together, we need to find the total population and the total area.

The population of the village is given as 4200.

The area of the village can be found by dividing the population by the population density: 4200 / 700 = 6 km.

The area of the estate is given as 2 km.

The total area is the sum of the area of the village and the estate: 6 km + 2 km = 8 km.

The total population is the sum of the population of the village and the population of the estate: 4200 + 2 * 800 = 4200 + 1600 = 5800.

Now we can find the total population density by dividing the total population by the total area: 5800 / 8 = 725 people per km.

Therefore, the population density for the village and the estate together is 725 people per km.