Describe ten positive and then negative attitude

Positive Attitudes:

1. Optimism: Seeing the glass as half full and maintaining a positive outlook.
2. Gratitude: Being thankful for what you have and showing appreciation.
3. Resilience: Bouncing back from setbacks and persevering through challenges.
4. Confidence: Believing in oneself and having a strong sense of self-assurance.
5. Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others, and showing compassion.
6. Open-mindedness: Being receptive to new ideas and perspectives.
7. Motivation: Having the drive and determination to achieve goals.
8. Enthusiasm: Being excited and passionate about tasks or projects.
9. Flexibility: Adapting easily to changes and being willing to compromise.
10. Patience: Remaining calm and tolerant in difficult situations.

Negative Attitudes:
1. Pessimism: Seeing the glass as half empty and expecting negative outcomes.
2. Ingratitude: Focusing on what is lacking and complaining rather than appreciating.
3. Helplessness: Feeling powerless and lacking the belief in one's ability to change.
4. Arrogance: Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance and superiority.
5. Indifference: Showing a lack of concern or interest towards others' feelings or needs.
6. Closed-mindedness: Being resistant to new ideas and opinions, dismissing them without consideration.
7. Procrastination: Delaying or avoiding tasks and responsibilities.
8. Apathy: Feeling disinterested or unmotivated, lacking enthusiasm or passion.
9. Rigidity: Being inflexible and resistant to change, sticking to old ways of doing things.
10. Impatience: Feeling easily frustrated and unable to wait for things to happen.