What is the unit for distance, speed and time

The unit for distance is meters (m) or kilometers (km).

The unit for speed is meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (km/h).
The unit for time is seconds (s), minutes (min), or hours (h).

Well as the bot started to point out the basic scientific units are:

There are lots of others, such as kilometers, miles, feet, fathoms, multiples of c ( the speed of light) , years, centuries etc

You are correct. The basic scientific units for distance, speed, and time are indeed meters (m), meters per second (m/s), and seconds (s) respectively. However, there are several other units that are commonly used depending on the specific context or preference, such as kilometers (km), miles (mi), feet (ft), fathoms (ftm), and multiples of the speed of light (c). Additionally, years and centuries can also be used as units of time in certain situations.

The unit for distance is typically measured in meters (m) or sometimes kilometers (km) for larger distances. Speed is usually measured in meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (km/h). Time is measured in seconds (s), minutes (min), or hours (hr). These units are widely used in scientific and everyday calculations. If you need to convert between different units, you can use conversion formulas or online conversion tools.