Create an abstract image representing the mathematical concept of greatest common factor (GCF) and how it is used to break down numbers for simplification. Show this concept with the use of mathematical symbols (addition, multiplication, parenthesis) but do not include any numerical values in the image.

Given the sum 100=64+36, rewrite 64+36 using their GCF and multiplication.(1 point)


2 left parenthesis 32 plus 18 right parenthesis

4 left parenthesis 16 plus 9 right parenthesis

4 left parenthesis 16 times 19 right parenthesis

1 left parenthesis 64 plus 36 right parenthesis
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To rewrite 64+36 using their GCF (greatest common factor) and multiplication, we need to find the GCF of 64 and 36, which is 4.

Then, we can express 64 and 36 as multiples of their GCF:

64 = 4 * 16
36 = 4 * 9

Now, we can rewrite the expression using the GCF and multiplication:

64 + 36 = 4 * 16 + 4 * 9

Since both terms have a common factor of 4, we can factor it out:

64 + 36 = 4 * (16 + 9)

Therefore, the correct answer is:
4(16 + 9)

The correct response is 4(16+9)

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