Geographers seek to answer two key questions when they study the world: "where?" and "why there?" A geographer can study any process taking place in the world today by answering these questions. In a short paragraph, identify one of your interests (maybe it's sports, games, or another hobby). How could you answer geography's two key questions when studying this interest?

One of my interests is hiking. To answer geography's two key questions of "where?" and "why there?" in relation to hiking, I would start by identifying the specific location or trail where I want to go hiking. This would involve researching and mapping out the exact coordinates and physical features of the area, including the topography, vegetation, and climate. Answering the question of "where?" would include understanding the geographical context of the place. To answer the question of "why there?", I would dive into the reasons behind why this particular hiking spot is popular or why people choose to hike there. This could involve studying factors such as the scenic beauty of the area, accessibility, historical significance, or unique natural features. Additionally, understanding the geographical processes at play, such as erosion or weather patterns, could provide insights into why certain hiking trails exist and thrive in specific areas. By answering these questions, I would gain a deeper understanding of the geographical aspects that make a hiking experience enjoyable and worthwhile.