Women such as Abigail Adams and Martha Washington played a large role in the American Revolution, as did direct female combatants such as the infamous _______________.

Women such as Abigail Adams and Martha Washington played a large role in the American Revolution, as did direct female combatants such as the infamous _______________.

Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton

Dolley Madison

Molly Pitcher

Martha Washington

Deborah Sampson

pick one of the four answers

Molly Pitcher

Women such as Abigail Adams and Martha Washington played significant roles in the American Revolution, but there were also direct female combatants who contributed to the cause. One of the most well-known direct female combatants during the American Revolution was Molly Pitcher.

To find the answer, you can conduct a simple online search using a search engine like Google. Type in the question, "Who were the direct female combatants in the American Revolution?" and review the search results. You will come across several sources of information, including historical articles, biographies, and websites, which will provide you with the desired answer.