Strangers six value orentations

1) Autonomy: Strangers may value their independence and personal autonomy, valuing their ability to make their own choices and decisions without interference from others.

2) Benevolence: Strangers might value kindness, compassion, and helping others. They may prioritize the well-being and welfare of others, even if they are not personally connected to them.

3) Conformity: Some strangers may value tradition, social norms, and cultural expectations. They may prioritize fitting in and adhering to the expectations and behaviors of the group or community they find themselves in.

4) Security: Strangers may value safety, stability, and predictability. They may prioritize minimizing risks and uncertainties in their lives and seeking out environments or relationships that provide a sense of security.

5) Power: Strangers might value control, influence, and successful achievement. They may prioritize being in positions of authority or having the ability to shape their own and others' outcomes.

6) Achievement: Some strangers may value personal success, accomplishment, and the pursuit of goals. They may prioritize setting and attaining goals, constantly striving for improvement and excellence in various aspects of their lives.