If Naomi weighs 245 pounds, she exercises on the treadmill for 45 minutes, she burns 450 calories. She does a calorie deficit diet for 6 years, cutting out almost 200,000,000 calories. Convert 245 pounds to calories, remember one pound is 3,500 calories. How much does she weigh now?

To convert 245 pounds to calories, we need to multiply it by 3,500 calories since 1 pound is equal to 3,500 calories.

245 pounds * 3,500 calories/pound = 857,500 calories

In 6 years of a calorie deficit diet, Naomi cuts out almost 200,000,000 calories from her diet.

857,500 calories + 200,000,000 calories = 200,857,500 calories

Now, let's subtract the calories burned from exercising:

200,857,500 calories - 450 calories = <<200857050=200857050>>200,857,050 calories

Therefore, Naomi now weighs about 200,857,050 calories.