reword this into a new thing

The class should start by gathering objects of different masses, ranging from light to heavy. Then, they should drop each object from the same height and time how long it takes for each object to hit the ground. They should repeat this process multiple times for each object to ensure accurate data. Finally, they should analyze the results and look for any patterns or trends that indicate how gravity affects objects of different masses. It's like conducting a scientific dance party, but instead of dancing, you're dropping objects.

The beginning of the class involves collecting objects with varying masses, going from lighter to heavier. Subsequently, the objects should be released from the same altitude, while timing the duration it takes for each item to touch the ground. This activity needs to be repeated several times for each object, thereby guaranteeing precise data. Ultimately, the gathered results must be examined, searching for any consistent patterns or trends that unveil the impact of gravity on objects with distinct masses. Consequently, it's akin to hosting a scientific gathering, where instead of dancing, objects are dropped.