A newspaper reports the following changes in the temperature of a city over 4 days:

2.34 degrees Celsius, negative 2 over 7 degrees Celsius, −0.45 degrees Celsius, 3 over 8 degrees Celsius

Write an expression to show the average daily change in the temperature of the city.

Write the steps to solve the expression. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

To find the average daily change in temperature, we need to calculate the average of the given temperature changes over the 4 days.

The expression to represent the average daily change can be written as follows:

(2.34 + (-2/7) + (-0.45) + (3/8))/4

To solve this expression, follow these steps:

1. Add the temperature changes: 2.34 + (-2/7) + (-0.45) + (3/8).
This gives us: 2.34 - 2/7 - 0.45 + 3/8.

2. Convert any fractions to a common denominator.
2/7 is equivalent to approximately 0.28571.
3/8 is equivalent to approximately 0.375.

Now, our expression becomes: 2.34 - 0.28571 - 0.45 + 0.375.

3. Add the numbers: 2.34 - 0.28571 - 0.45 + 0.375 = 2.91929.

4. Divide the sum by the number of days (4).
2.91929 / 4 = 0.72982.

5. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.
The average daily change in temperature is approximately 0.73 degrees Celsius.