Carissa works as a babysitter during her summer vacation. She gets paid one rate for daytime hours and a higher rate for nighttime hours. One week, she worked 12 daytime hours and 4 nighttime hours and earned $120. The next week, she earned $60 for a total of 4 daytime hours and 3 nighttime hours. Let x represent the hourly daytime rate and y represent her hourly nighttime rate.

12 x + 4 y = 120. 4 x + 3 y = 60.

What is the solution to the system of equations?
(4, 12)
(6, 12)
(10, 30)

To solve the system of equations, we can use the method of substitution.

First, isolate one of the variables in one of the equations. Let's solve the second equation for x:

4x + 3y = 60
4x = 60 - 3y
x = (60 - 3y)/4

Now we can substitute this expression for x into the first equation:

12x + 4y = 120
12((60 - 3y)/4) + 4y = 120
3(60 - 3y) + 4y = 120
180 - 9y + 4y = 120
-5y = -60
y = 12

Now substitute this value of y into the expression for x:

x = (60 - 3(12))/4
x = (60 - 36)/4
x = 6

So the solution to the system of equations is (6, 12). The correct option is (6, 12).