Simplify the expression. 6(3x−5) 2(3x−5)−8(2x−5) (1 point) Responses 8x 8 x 24x−40 24 x minus 40 36x−60 36 x minus 60 48x−80

pick the correct given answer choice

Based on the simplified expression, the correct answer choice is: -4x + 20.

To simplify the expression 6(3x−5) - 2(3x−5)−8(2x−5), we will distribute the values inside the parentheses:

6(3x-5) = 18x - 30
2(3x-5) = 6x - 10
8(2x-5) = 16x - 40

Now we can substitute the resulting expressions back into the original expression:

18x - 30 - (6x - 10) - (16x - 40)

Next, we will combine like terms:

18x - 30 - 6x + 10 - 16x + 40

Consolidating the like terms, we get:

(18x - 6x - 16x) + (-30 + 10 + 40)

Combining like terms again:

-4x + 20

Therefore, the simplified expression is -4x + 20.

it might be right but its not an answer we can pick