Evaluate the following algebraic expression

yx ÷ 2; when x = 7, and y = 2

To evaluate the expression yx ÷ 2 when x = 7 and y = 2, we substitute the given values into the expression:

(2)(7) ÷ 2

= 14 ÷ 2

= 7

Thus, the value of the expression is 7.




Answer me!

To evaluate the algebraic expression yx ÷ 2 when x = 7 and y = 2, follow these steps:

1. Substitute the values of x and y into the expression.
- Substitute x = 7 and y = 2 into the expression yx ÷ 2:
2 * 7 ÷ 2

2. Perform the multiplication and division in the expression from left to right.
- Multiply 2 by 7: 2 * 7 = 14
- Divide 14 by 2: 14 ÷ 2 = 7

Therefore, the value of the expression yx ÷ 2 when x = 7 and y = 2 is 7.