Solve the following inequality. Graph and check your solution.


Solve the inequality.

To solve the inequality -18 < -9c, we can divide both sides of the inequality by -9. However, since we are dividing by a negative number, we must reverse the direction of the inequality sign.

Dividing both sides by -9, we get:
2 > c

So the solution to the inequality is c < 2.

To graph the solution, we can draw a number line and indicate the values of c that satisfy the inequality. We put an open circle at 2 (since c is not equal to 2), and shade the region to the left of 2.

Checking the solution, we can pick a value less than 2, for example c = 1. Plugging this value into the inequality, we get:
-18 < -9(1)
-18 < -9
This is true, so the solution is valid.