Rachel is training for a cycling tournament. She can bike 2 1/4 miles in 1/5 of an hour. At this rate, how many miles can she bike in 1 1/3 hours?

15 miles
11 1/4 miles
12 7/12 miles
45 miles

To find out how many miles Rachel can bike in 1 1/3 hours, we need to multiply her biking rate by the total number of hours she is biking.

Rachel can bike 2 1/4 miles in 1/5 of an hour.
To convert 1 1/3 hours to a fraction, we need to multiply the whole number part (1) by the denominator of the fraction (3) and then add the numerator (1) to get the total number of thirds of an hour.
1 x 3 + 1 = 4 thirds of an hour.

Now we can multiply Rachel's biking rate by the total number of thirds of an hour, to find how many miles she can bike in 1 1/3 hours.
2 1/4 miles * 4 thirds of an hour = 9/4 * 4/1 = 36/4 = 9 miles.

Therefore, Rachel can bike 9 miles in 1 1/3 hours.

That isn’t a chioce

Apologies for the mistake. Let's calculate it again.

Rachel can bike 2 1/4 miles in 1/5 of an hour.
To find out how many miles she can bike in 1 1/3 hours, we need to multiply her biking rate by the total number of hours.

1 1/3 hours is equal to 4/3 hours.
So, we need to calculate:
(2 1/4 miles) * (4/3 hours).

To simplify the calculation, let's convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.
2 1/4 can be written as (8/4 + 1/4) miles, which is equal to 9/4 miles.

Now we can multiply:
(9/4 miles) * (4/3 hours) = (9 * 4) / (4 * 3) = 36/12 = 3 miles.

Therefore, Rachel can bike 3 miles in 1 1/3 hours.


15 miles
11 1/4 miles
12 7/12 miles
45 miles These are the choices

Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's recalculate.

Rachel can bike 2 1/4 miles in 1/5 of an hour.
To find out how many miles she can bike in 1 1/3 hours, we need to multiply her biking rate by the total number of hours.

1 1/3 hours is equal to 4/3 hours.
So, we need to calculate:
(2 1/4 miles) * (4/3 hours).

To simplify the calculation, let's convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.
2 1/4 can be written as (9/4) miles.

Now we can multiply:
(9/4 miles) * (4/3 hours) = (9 * 4) / (4 * 3) = 36/12 = 3 miles.

Therefore, Rachel can bike 3 miles in 1 1/3 hours. The closest choice available is 11 1/4 miles.

To find out how many miles Rachel can bike in 1 1/3 hours at the same rate she bikes 2 1/4 miles in 1/5 of an hour, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the rate at which Rachel bikes in miles per hour.
The rate at which Rachel bikes is determined by dividing the distance she can bike by the time it takes her. To find her rate in miles per hour, we can use the following calculation:

Rate = Distance / Time

In this case, the distance is 2 1/4 miles and the time is 1/5 of an hour.

Rate = 2 1/4 miles / 1/5 hour
Rate = 2 1/4 miles * 5/1 hour
Rate = 9/4 miles * 5/1 hour
Rate = 45/4 miles per hour
Rate = 11 1/4 miles per hour

So, Rachel bikes at a rate of 11 1/4 miles per hour.

Step 2: Calculate the number of miles Rachel can bike in 1 1/3 hours.
To calculate this, we can multiply Rachel's rate of 11 1/4 miles per hour by the time of 1 1/3 hours:

Distance = Rate * Time

Distance = 11 1/4 miles per hour * 1 1/3 hours
Distance = (45/4) miles per hour * (4/3) hours
Distance = 45/3 miles
Distance = 15 miles

Therefore, Rachel can bike 15 miles in 1 1/3 hours.

The correct answer is 15 miles.