
What achievement revealed Bernardo Alberto Houssay's intelligence as a boy?
(1 point)
He wrote his first book before he was 10 years old.
He was admitted to the university at age 14.
He learned to read and write at age 4.
He knew more than his parents.

The correct answer is: He learned to read and write at age 4.


What prize was awarded to Bernardo Albero Houssay?
(1 point)
Nobel Peace Prize
Pulitzer Prize
Academy Award
Nobel Prize for Medicine

The correct answer is: Nobel Prize for Medicine.

To determine which achievement revealed Bernardo Alberto Houssay's intelligence as a boy, we need to gather information about his life and accomplishments. Bernardo Alberto Houssay was an Argentine physiologist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1947 for his discoveries regarding the role of the pituitary gland in regulating blood sugar levels.

Based on the options provided, the most accurate achievement that reveals his intelligence as a boy is that he learned to read and write at age 4. This achievement suggests that he had exceptional intellectual abilities at a young age, as reading and writing are foundational skills that typically develop during the early years of a child's education.

Alternatively, it is worth noting that being admitted to the university at age 14 could also indicate his intelligence and academic abilities, but without further information, it is difficult to determine whether this happened during his childhood or at a later stage in his life.

The other options, such as writing a book before the age of 10 and knowing more than his parents, while not impossible, are not commonly cited achievements of Bernardo Alberto Houssay during his formative years.