If a graph is proportional, what characteristic does it display?

A. It will pass through the point (0, 0)
B. It will have y-values larger than their corresponding x-values
C. It will climb rapidly, indicating a steep slope.
D. It will curve.

A. It will pass through the point (0, 0)

What is the constant of proportionality in y = 32x

The constant of proportionality in the equation y = 32x is 32.

If a graph is proportional, it displays the characteristic that it will pass through the point (0, 0), which means the y-coordinate is zero when the x-coordinate is zero.

To understand this, let's consider the concept of a proportional relationship. In a proportional relationship, as one variable (let's say x) increases, the other variable (let's say y) also increases, but in a fixed ratio or proportion. This means that the ratio of y to x remains constant throughout the graph.

Now, if we plot these points on a graph, we can observe that a proportional graph passes through the origin (0, 0). This is because when x is zero, the ratio of y to x will also be zero, resulting in y being zero.

Hence, the correct answer is A. It will pass through the point (0, 0).