4X games, MOBA games, and wargames are all subgenres of the RPG genre.

No, that statement is incorrect.

4X games, MOBA games, and wargames are not subgenres of the RPG (Role-playing game) genre.

4X games, which stands for "explore, expand, exploit, exterminate," are strategy games focused on building and managing civilizations or empires, typically involving resource management, diplomacy, and warfare. They do not typically involve the role-playing elements associated with RPGs.

MOBA games, or multiplayer online battle arena games, are competitive team-based games where players control a single character (usually called a hero or champion) and work together to destroy the opposing team's base. MOBAs often involve strategy and skill-based gameplay, but they do not have the narrative-driven, character development aspects of RPGs.

Wargames, as the name suggests, are games that simulate warfare, often involving tactical decision-making, resource management, and combat. Wargames can cover historical periods or fictional conflicts, but they are distinct from RPGs as they focus primarily on strategic and tactical gameplay without the narrative or role-playing aspects commonly found in RPGs.

While all these genres involve elements of strategy and decision-making, they are not considered subgenres of RPGs. RPGs typically involve immersive storytelling, character development, and player choice, which set them apart from these other genres.