Part A

What is a theme of the passage?


Wisdom comes with age and experience.
Wisdom comes with age and experience.

One must act responsibly in order to be treated with respect.
One must act responsibly in order to be treated with respect.

School work should take priority over other activities.
School work should take priority over other activities.

Having fun while learning is an important element of school.
Having fun while learning is an important element of school.
Which quotation provides support for the theme in Part A?


“Then Mr. Newman understood. He looked down the line of boys. ‘Were you all dared?’ he inquired.” (paragraph 20)
“Then Mr. Newman understood. He looked down the line of boys. ‘Were you all dared?’ he inquired.” (paragraph 20)

“‘I merely wish to inform you,’ he said blandly, ‘that there will be no recreation time this morning, and no half-holiday this afternoon—the time can be employed in studying up the first two books of Euclid.’” (paragraph 29)
“‘I merely wish to inform you,’ he said blandly, ‘that there will be no recreation time this morning, and no half-holiday this afternoon—the time can be employed in studying up the first two books of Euclid.’” (paragraph 29)

“Then he dismissed them kindly, and they filed out in dead silence.” (paragraph 33)
“Then he dismissed them kindly, and they filed out in dead silence.” (paragraph 33)

“In it they promised humbly and faithfully to abolish any and every kind and degree of dare from among them, if in return the Head and staff would do the same, also cancelling the penalty of all those entered into by the staff on that day.” (paragraph 53)
“In it they promised humbly and faithfully to abolish any and every kind and degree of dare from among them, if in return the Head and staff would do the same, also cancelling the penalty of all those entered into by the staff on that day.” (paragraph 53)

The quotation that provides support for the theme in Part A is: “In it they promised humbly and faithfully to abolish any and every kind and degree of dare from among them, if in return the Head and staff would do the same, also cancelling the penalty of all those entered into by the staff on that day.” (paragraph 53) This shows that the students are willing to make a promise to change their behavior and prioritize their schoolwork over engaging in dares.