what is one involuntary (your body does this automatically), response an animal may have to maintain homeostasis?

1 or 2 sentence answer please

One involuntary response an animal may have to maintain homeostasis is shivering to generate heat in order to regulate body temperature.

what is one voluntary response an animal may have to maintain homeostasis?

please make the answer one or two sentences

One voluntary response an animal may have to maintain homeostasis is seeking shade or entering water to cool down and regulate body temperature.

how does homeostasis effect the digestive system

please make the answer 1 sentence

Homeostasis in the digestive system helps regulate the pH balance, enzyme activity, and nutrient absorption to ensure optimal functioning of the digestive process.

what does the pH mean in the answer you provided?

In the answer, pH refers to the measure of acidity or alkalinity within the digestive system. It is crucial for proper enzymatic activity and overall digestive function.

Thanks! im all caught up on science now!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could assist you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

One involuntary response an animal may have to maintain homeostasis is shivering, which generates heat through muscle contractions to counteract a drop in body temperature.