How might an author develop a key concept about the benefits of recycling? (1 point)

• by instructing the reader to research recycling in their community
• by providing information on the environmental impacts of recycling
• by detailing which neighborhoods recycle properly and which do not
• A chart showing what kinds of materials get recycled would not develop the key concept about hoi recycling is beneficial.

by providing information on the environmental impacts of recycling

Which is one way that an author can develop a key concept in an essay about the the Boston Tea Party? (1 point)

• by explaining their opinions
• with historical information
• by telling the reader to do further research
• with details about related topics

with historical information

When might a reader create an outline? (1 point)

• when the text is complex
• when the author uses a lot of unfamiliar words
• when the author includes graphs and charts
• when the author uses personal stories as examples

when the text is complex

An author can develop a key concept about the benefits of recycling by providing information on the environmental impacts of recycling. This approach allows the author to explain how recycling contributes to reducing waste, conserving resources, and minimizing pollution. The author can discuss examples of recycled materials being used in various industries, showcasing the positive impact recycling can have on the environment. By presenting these facts and arguments, the author can effectively develop the key concept that recycling is beneficial.

In contrast, instructing the reader to research recycling in their community is a valuable activity, but it does not directly develop the key concept about the benefits of recycling in the author's writing. Similarly, detailing which neighborhoods recycle properly and which do not might be relevant for addressing recycling issues in specific regions, but it does not directly focus on explaining the benefits of recycling. Finally, a chart showing what kinds of materials get recycled would be useful for providing information, but it alone does not comprehensively develop the key concept about the benefits of recycling.