The Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on

July 4, 1776.

Match the following stages of the American Revolution with the descriptions below. Write the letter

of your answer in the space provided.
A. First stage
B. Second stage
C. Third stage
1. During this stage, Washington led the American troops to few victories in battles,
but a significant battle was won by the Americans at Saratoga, New York.
2. Most of the battles in this stage were fought in New England and Canada. Two important
battles, however, took place in the Carolinas.
3. The surrender took place at Yorktown, Virginia

A. First stage

2. Most of the battles in this stage were fought in New England and Canada. Two important battles, however, took place in the Carolinas.

B. Second stage
1. During this stage, Washington led the American troops to few victories in battles, but a significant battle was won by the Americans at Saratoga, New York.

C. Third stage
3. The surrender took place at Yorktown, Virginia

Two important battles of the American Revolution took place in the Carolinas at

the Battle of Camden and the Battle of Guilford Courthouse.

Who was Fort Moultrie named for, and what was his position?

Fort Moultrie was named for Colonel William Moultrie, who was a commander of the 2nd South Carolina Regiment during the American Revolution.

What was the significance of the palmetto tree in the attack on Sullivan’s Island

The palmetto tree played a significant role in the defense of Sullivan's Island during the attack by the British in 1776. The fort on Sullivan's Island, later known as Fort Moultrie, was primarily built using palmetto logs and sand. The unique properties of the palmetto wood, which was spongy and absorbed the impact of cannonballs, helped to protect the fort during the battle. The palmetto logs acted as a natural barrier, causing the cannonballs to sink into the walls of the fort instead of destroying them. This unexpected resilience allowed the American forces to successfully defend the fort and repel the British attack, thereby boosting morale and inspiring the use of the palmetto tree as a symbol of resistance in South Carolina.

What action make Sergeant William Jasper famous during the battle on Sullivan’s Island?