Expand 7/10 * (5d + 6)

7/2 * d + 21/5

O 5d + 21/5

O 35d + 6

O 35d + 42

To expand the expression 7/10 * (5d + 6), distribute 7/10 to each term inside the parentheses:

= 7/10 * 5d + 7/10 * 6

= (7/10) * 5d + (7/10) * 6

= (7/10) * 5d + (7/10) * 6/1

= 35d/10 + 42/10

= 35d/10 + 42/10

Now, let's simplify the fractions:
35d/10 can be written as 7d/2
42/10 can be simplified to 21/5

Therefore, the expanded expression is:
7d/2 + 21/5, which is represented as:
7/2 * d + 21/5.