Which of the following is an accurate pairing of the CON article author's MAIN premise and STRONGEST piece of supporting reasoning?

Indigenous Peoples Day recognizes the contributions and suffering of native peoples; Of course, giving city workers a day off does not begin to make amends for centuries of discrimination, enslavement and government-sanctioned genocide of Native Americans.

California leaders should take action to create policies of reconciliation with native peoples; The city could, if it chose, provide greater protection for sacred sites threatened by building projects or it could offer its official support for local tribes, many of which are still seeking federal recognition.

Celebrating Columbus is a flawed way to recognize the early exploration of the Americas; The government also has to remove Columbus Day from the official calendar because, in these observers’ view, it honors a cruel slave trader whose arrival in the “New World” set into motion the mass killing of native peoples. Columbus represents the violent colonization of the Americas, they say, so in this war of symbolism Columbus Day must die so Indigenous Peoples Day can live.

The controversy surrounding Columbus Day is not as important as honestly confronting America's past; The debate over Columbus and his legacy reflects ongoing confusion in the United States about how the country’s history of racism and oppression fits into a proud national identity. The U.S. is a nation that has taken in millions of needy immigrants — but also grew through a colonization process that devastated native people.

The accurate pairing is:

Indigenous Peoples Day recognizes the contributions and suffering of native peoples; Of course, giving city workers a day off does not begin to make amends for centuries of discrimination, enslavement and government-sanctioned genocide of Native Americans.