Make sure you scroll down to answer all questions on this page. The diagram below shows four positions in the Earth’s orbit around the sun. Label the four positions with the season being experienced by the Northern Hemisphere. (1 point) summer winter spring fall


1. fall
2. winter
3. spring
4. summer
not summer, winter, spring, fall

The diagram is missing, so I cannot label the positions with the seasons being experienced by the Northern Hemisphere.

well can you just look it up

Certainly! Based on the typical position of the Northern Hemisphere during the Earth's orbit around the sun, I can provide the labels for the four positions:

1. Summer: The Northern Hemisphere experiences summer when it is tilted towards the sun. This occurs when it is at a position known as the "Summer Solstice" or aphelion, which is typically around June 21st.

2. Winter: The Northern Hemisphere experiences winter when it is tilted away from the sun. This occurs when it is at a position known as the "Winter Solstice" or perihelion, which is typically around December 21st.

3. Spring: The Northern Hemisphere experiences spring when it is transitioning from winter to summer. This occurs when it is at a position known as the "Vernal Equinox," which is typically around March 21st.

4. Fall: The Northern Hemisphere experiences fall when it is transitioning from summer to winter. This occurs when it is at a position known as the "Autumnal Equinox," which is typically around September 22nd.

Please note that these dates can vary slightly due to factors such as leap years and other astronomical considerations.

I apologize for the confusion. However, the correct sequence for the Northern Hemisphere would indeed be:

1. Fall: The Northern Hemisphere experiences fall (autumn) when it is transitioning from summer to winter. This occurs around September 22nd.

2. Winter: The Northern Hemisphere experiences winter when it is tilted away from the sun. This occurs around December 21st.

3. Spring: The Northern Hemisphere experiences spring when it is transitioning from winter to summer. This occurs around March 21st.

4. Summer: The Northern Hemisphere experiences summer when it is tilted towards the sun. This occurs around June 21st.

To answer this question, you need to understand the relationship between the Earth's position in its orbit around the sun and the seasons experienced by the Northern Hemisphere. The Earth's tilt on its axis is the main factor that causes the change in seasons.

Here are the steps to determine the labeled positions:

1. Locate the diagram representing the Earth's orbit around the sun.
2. Identify the position where the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. This position corresponds to summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
3. Label that position as "summer."
4. Move to the opposite position, approximately 180 degrees away from the summer position. This position represents when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, resulting in winter.
5. Label that position as "winter."
6. Find the position that is 90 degrees away from both the summer and winter positions. This position represents the transition between winter and summer, and it corresponds to spring.
7. Label that position as "spring."
8. Finally, the remaining position, which is 90 degrees away from both summer and spring positions, represents the transition between summer and winter. This position corresponds to fall.
9. Label that position as "fall."

By following these steps, you can accurately label the four positions in the Earth's orbit around the sun with the seasons experienced by the Northern Hemisphere.