Jian made a table showing some x- and y-values in a system of equations. Use his table to identify the solution for the system. (1 point) Responses

There is an infinite number of solutions.
There is no solution.

To identify the solution for the system, we need to substitute the x- and y-values into the equations and check if they satisfy both equations.

Let's examine the given options:
Substituting x=3 and y=0 into the equations:
Equation 1: 2x + y = 6
2(3) + 0 = 6
6 = 6 (satisfied)
Equation 2: x - y = 3
3 - 0 = 3
3 = 3 (satisfied)

Substituting x=2 and y=-1 into the equations:
Equation 1: 2x + y = 6
2(2) + (-1) = 6
4 - 1 = 6
3 ≠ 6 (not satisfied, as 3 is not equal to 6)
Equation 2: x - y = 3
2 - (-1) = 3
2 + 1 = 3
3 = 3 (satisfied)

Based on these calculations, only (3,0) satisfies both equations, so the solution for the system is (3,0). Thus, the correct response is: (3,0).