On valentine's day, a shop sold x cents for a dozen of roses. Daniel bought y roses. Find an expression, in terms of x and y, for the amount of money, in dollars, that he spent on buying the roses.

To find the amount of money Daniel spent on buying the roses, we need to multiply the cost per dozen by the number of dozens he bought.

Since the price is given in cents, we divide by 100 to convert it to dollars.

The cost per dozen of roses in dollars is x/100 dollars.

And since he bought y roses, which is less than a dozen, he bought less than x/100 dollars worth of roses.

Hence, the amount of money Daniel spent on buying the roses, in dollars, is (x/100) * (y/12) = xy/1200.

Therefore, the expression for the amount of money Daniel spent on buying the roses, in dollars, is xy/1200.