
Use the picture graph.

How many books did Grade 2 and Grade 3 read altogether?

A picture graph is titled Number of Books Read. Each book picture equals 20 books. Grade 2 has 4 book pictures. Grade 3 has 2 book pictures. Grade 4 has 3 book pictures.

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To find the total number of books read by Grade 2 and Grade 3 altogether, we need to add the number of books read by each grade. Grade 2 has 4 book pictures, and each picture represents 20 books, so Grade 2 read 4 * 20 = <<4*20=80>>80 books. Grade 3 has 2 book pictures, so they read 2 * 20 = <<2*20=40>>40 books.

Therefore, Grade 2 and Grade 3 read a total of 80 + 40 = <<80+40=120>>120 books altogether.