Which statement explains how Justinian’s Code was a turning point in the regulation of the Byzantine Empire?(1 point) Responses Justinian’s Code did not have an effect on the Byzantine Empire because the people considered traditional Roman law more important than new Byzantine laws. Justinian’s Code did not have an effect on the Byzantine Empire because the people considered traditional Roman law more important than new Byzantine laws. Justinian’s Code complicated the existing legal code of the time period. Justinian’s Code complicated the existing legal code of the time period. Justinian’s Code codified Roman law and allowed Justinian to have greater control of his empire. Justinian’s Code codified Roman law and allowed Justinian to have greater control of his empire. Justinian’s Code was added to the Byzantine Empire after his reign, when the empire started declining. Justinian’s Code was added to the Byzantine Empire after his reign, when the empire started declining.

The statement that explains how Justinian's Code was a turning point in the regulation of the Byzantine Empire is: "Justinian’s Code codified Roman law and allowed Justinian to have greater control of his empire." This statement highlights the significance of Justinian's Code by emphasizing its role in the codification of Roman law and how it gave Justinian greater authority and control over the empire. To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the purpose and impact of Justinian's Code, which can be found through research on the historical context and Justinian's reign.