Jacob purchased 1 1/2 pounds of grapes and 1 3/4 pounds of strawberries from a farmer's market. The cost of each pound of grapes is $2.64 and the cost of each pound of strawberries is $3.09. If the store offered a discount of 10% on the final bill, what was the amount Jacob paid to buy the fruits? Ignore sales tax.

A. $9.37
B. $0.94
C. $10.30
D. $8.43

The cost of 1 1/2 pounds of grapes is 1.5 * $2.64 = $<<1.5*2.64=3.96>>3.96

The cost of 1 3/4 pounds of strawberries is 1.75 * $3.09 = $<<1.75*3.09=5.3975>>5.3975
The total cost of the fruits is $3.96 + $5.3975 = $<<3.96+5.3975=9.3575>>9.3575
The discount on the bill is 10/100 * $9.3575 = $<<10/100*9.3575=0.93575>>0.93575
The total amount Jacob paid to buy the fruits was $9.3575 - $0.93575 = $<<9.3575-0.93575=8.42125>>8.42125
The correct answer is D. $8.43. Answer choice D. $8.43 is the rounded amount of what Jacob paid to buy the fruits.