If a rubber band 24 inches long is stretched to be 30 inches. How long will an 18-inch

section of band be?

To find out how long an 18-inch section of the stretched rubber band will be, we can use the concept of proportional relationships.

Let's set up a proportion:

Length of the stretched rubber band to the original length of the rubber band = Length of the section of the stretched rubber band to the original length of the section of the rubber band.

In this case, the length of the stretched rubber band is 30 inches, and the original length of the rubber band is 24 inches.

The length of the section of the stretched rubber band is unknown, and the original length of the section of the rubber band is 18 inches.

30/24 = x/18

Now, we can solve for x, which represents the length of the 18-inch section of the stretched rubber band.

Cross multiplying, we have:

24x = 30 * 18

24x = 540

Dividing both sides of the equation by 24, we get:

x = 540/24

x = 22.5

Therefore, an 18-inch section of the stretched rubber band will be 22.5 inches long.