Aldo is a software salesperson. His base salary is$2400 and he makes $90 more for every copy of English is Fun he sells. His total pay, p (in dollars), after selling c copies is given by the following.

Answer the following questions.

If Aldo's total pay is$5190 , how many copies did he sell?

What is Aldo's total pay if he sells 21 copies?

To find the number of copies Aldo sold, we can set up an equation using the formula for his total pay:

P = 2400 + 90c

We can plug in the given total pay of $5190:

5190 = 2400 + 90c

Subtracting 2400 from both sides of the equation gives:

2790 = 90c

Dividing both sides by 90 gives:

c = 31

Therefore, Aldo sold 31 copies.

To find Aldo's total pay if he sells 21 copies, we can again use the formula for his total pay:

P = 2400 + 90c

Plugging in c = 21 gives:

P = 2400 + 90(21)
= 2400 + 1890
= 4290

Therefore, Aldo's total pay if he sells 21 copies is $4290.