If a triangle has a  22° angle and a  46° angle, what can be established about the third angle measure and the type of triangle?(1 point)


The third angle measure is 68°, and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.
The third angle measure is 68 degrees , and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.

The third angle measure is 112°, and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.
The third angle measure is  112 degrees , and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.

The third angle measure is 112°, and the triangle is an acute triangle. 
The third angle measure is 112 degrees , and the triangle is an acute triangle. 

The third angle measure is 128°, and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.

The correct response is: The third angle measure is 112°, and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.

Can a triangle have two right angles, and why or why not?(1 point)


Yes, because 90 + 90 = 180.
Yes, because 90 plus 90 equals 180 .

Yes, because it would be a right triangle.
Yes, because it would be a right triangle.

No, because a triangle must have an obtuse angle.
No, because a triangle must have an obtuse angle.

No, because there needs to be a third angle.

No, because a triangle must have a total of 180° and two right angles would already account for 180°.

If a triangle has angles measuring  46° ,  51° , and  83° , what type of triangle is it?(1 point)

The triangle would be an obtuse triangle.

How many degrees is a right angle

A right angle measures 90 degrees.