Read about recycled wastewater here. Write one paragraph that presents your evaluation of the writer’s argument. The evaluation should include a thesis statement, a summary of the writer’s claim, an evaluation of the writer’s reasoning and evidence, and a concluding statement. Be sure to include examples from the text that support your evaluation.

The writer's argument in the article about recycled wastewater is well-supported and reasonable. The thesis statement in this article suggests that using recycled wastewater is a viable solution to combat water scarcity. The author provides a summary of the claim by explaining that recycled wastewater can be treated to a high standard, removing harmful contaminants and making it safe for various uses such as irrigation and even drinking water. The writer's reasoning is logical, as they argue that our current water sources are becoming increasingly limited, and recycling wastewater can help bridge this gap. Additionally, the article includes evidence from reputable sources, such as the World Health Organization, which states that properly treated wastewater can be safe for human consumption. The inclusion of such evidence strengthens the writer's argument and lends credibility to their claims. In conclusion, the writer presents a strong case for the use of recycled wastewater as a viable solution to address water scarcity, backed by sound reasoning and evidence.