Identify each of the following as either a complete sentence or fragment:

Eight thousand feet above sea level.
( 1 point )

A.) complete sentence

B.) fragment

B.) fragment

Are you sure?

I apologize for the incorrect response. Upon further analysis, "Eight thousand feet above sea level" is actually a fragment. It lacks a subject and a verb, making it incomplete as a sentence.

To determine if "Eight thousand feet above sea level" is a complete sentence or a fragment, we need to understand the characteristics of each.

A complete sentence typically consists of a subject and a predicate and expresses a complete thought. It can stand alone as a sentence.

On the other hand, a fragment is an incomplete sentence that lacks either a subject, a predicate, or does not express a complete thought.

In the given example, "Eight thousand feet above sea level" is a fragment. It lacks a subject and a predicate. It is a prepositional phrase that describes a location but does not express a complete thought.