Five years ago, Roel was three times as old as his brother Tony. In 10 years, he will be 10 years older than Tony. Find their present ages.​

Let's assume that Roel's present age is R and Tony's present age is T.

According to the given information,

Five years ago, Roel was three times as old as his brother Tony.
(R - 5) = 3(T - 5) ---(Eq.1)

In 10 years, he will be 10 years older than Tony.
(R + 10) = (T + 10) + 10 ---(Eq.2)

Simplifying Eq.1, we get:
R - 5 = 3T - 15
R = 3T - 10 ---(Eq.3)

Substituting Eq.3 into Eq.2, we get:
(3T - 10 + 10) = (T + 10) + 10
3T = T + 20
2T = 20
T = 10

Substituting the value of T into Eq.3:
R = 3(10) - 10
R = 30 - 10
R = 20

Therefore, Roel is currently 20 years old and Tony is currently 10 years old.