To find the constant of proportionality, we can divide the number of pages by the number of minutes for each person.

For Jimmy, the constant of proportionality is:

15 pages / 5 minutes = 3 pages per minute.

For Carlo, the constant of proportionality is:

12 pages / 6 minutes = 2 pages per minute.

To compare the proportional relationships, we can say that Jimmy reads at a faster rate than Carlo. For every minute, Jimmy reads 3 pages while Carlo reads 2 pages.


We can determine the constant of proportionality by dividing the number of pages by the number of minutes for each person. In Jimmy's case, he reads at a rate of 3 pages per minute, while Carlo reads at a rate of 2 pages per minute. Therefore, Jimmy reads at a faster pace than Carlo, as he is able to read 3 pages in the same amount of time it takes Carlo to read 2 pages.