how did world war 1 contribute to the events leading up to world war 2

A. Germans hated the Versailles treaty and supported Hitler's action to defy it.
B. Germans wanted to expand their nation to regain territory in the Soviet Union
C. Britain and France wanted to force Germany to make reparation payments
D. the soviet Union wanted to take over Germany territory in eastern Europe

A. Germans hated the Versailles treaty and supported Hitler's action to defy it.

C. Britain and France wanted to force Germany to make reparation payments.

These two options are the most accurate in terms of how World War I contributed to the events leading up to World War II.

The Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh conditions on Germany after World War I, including territorial losses, disarmament, and significant reparations payments. These conditions led to widespread resentment among the German population, creating a fertile ground for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Hitler utilized this anger and dissatisfaction, promising to overturn the unfair treaty and restore Germany to its former glory. The Germans, therefore, supported Hitler's actions to defy the Versailles treaty, which ultimately led to the outbreak of World War II.

Additionally, Britain and France's insistence on making Germany pay heavy reparations contributed to the economic instability and discontent within Germany. The reparation payments were seen as excessive and caused tremendous economic hardship for the German people. This economic crisis, combined with the political unrest stemming from the Versailles treaty, further fueled the rise of Hitler and the Nazis.

Option B, stating that Germans wanted to expand their nation to regain territory in the Soviet Union, is less directly connected to World War II. While the desire for territorial expansion was an integral part of Hitler's ideology, particularly in the form of lebensraum (living space), this specific objective was directed towards Eastern Europe rather than the Soviet Union.

Option D, suggesting that the Soviet Union wanted to take over German territory in Eastern Europe, is not directly related to World War I. The Soviet Union did intervene in Eastern Europe and ultimately annexed several territories during World War II, but this course of action was a result of the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 rather than a response to World War I.

is it A. B. C. or D.

how did world war 1 contribute to the events leading up to world war 2

A. Germans hated the Versailles treaty and supported Hitler's action to defy it.
B. Germans wanted to expand their nation to regain territory in the Soviet Union
C. Britain and France wanted to force Germany to make reparation payments
D. the soviet Union wanted to take over Germany territory in eastern Europe

Apologies for the confusion. The correct options are A and C.

A. Germans hated the Versailles treaty and supported Hitler's action to defy it. The unfair conditions imposed by the treaty after World War I, including territorial losses and reparations, caused widespread resentment in Germany. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis capitalized on this discontent, and many Germans supported Hitler's actions to defy the treaty.

C. Britain and France wanted to force Germany to make reparation payments. As part of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was required to pay significant reparations to the Allied powers. These reparation payments caused economic hardship and political unrest in Germany, contributing to the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party.

it can only be one i can only choose one so what is it

Apologies for the confusion. The correct option is A. Germans hated the Versailles treaty and supported Hitler's action to defy it. The harsh conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I, including territorial losses and reparations, led to widespread resentment in Germany. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party capitalized on this discontent, and many Germans supported Hitler's actions to defy and overturn the treaty, ultimately contributing to the events leading up to World War II.

why did the invasion of Poland launch world war 2

A. it violated Hitler's nonaggression pact with Stalin
B. it led Britain and France to abandon the policy of appeasement
C. it led the united states to abandon the policy of neutrality
D. it was the first time German forces used the blitzkrieg strategy

The correct answer is B. The invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 led Britain and France to abandon the policy of appeasement. Prior to the invasion, Britain and France had followed a policy of appeasement, hoping to avoid another war by giving in to Germany's demands. However, the invasion of Poland was a clear violation of international agreements, and it prompted Britain and France to declare war on Germany. This marked the beginning of World War II.

Option A is not accurate because the invasion of Poland did not violate Hitler's nonaggression pact with Stalin. Germany and the Soviet Union had secretly agreed to divide Poland between them as part of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

Option C is not accurate because the United States did not abandon the policy of neutrality immediately after the invasion of Poland. The U.S. remained officially neutral until the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, which prompted their entry into the war.

Option D is not accurate because the blitzkrieg strategy (a rapid and coordinated combination of air and ground forces) had been used by Germany before the invasion of Poland. However, the invasion of Poland marked the first successful large-scale implementation of the blitzkrieg strategy, which proved to be highly effective in achieving swift victories.

in this form of government, a one-party dictatorship attempts to regulate every aspect of the lives of it citizens

what form of government is this

The form of government described is a totalitarian government.