The lesson length (in minutes) and the cost (in dollars) of piano lessons given by nine different piano instructors are shown in the table.

Which of the following scatter plots correctly displays this data?

(1 point)

A scatter plot on graph titled 'piano lessons' showing 'lesson length in minutes' from 0 to 80 along the x-axis and 'lesson cost in dollars' from 0 to 80 along the y-axis, is shown with 9 data points at (20, 25), (30, 35), (30, 45), (30, 50), (45, 50), (50, 55), (60, 60), (60, 75), and (60, 80).
Image with alt text: A scatter plot on graph titled 'piano lessons' showing 'lesson length in minutes' from 0 to 80 along the x-axis and 'lesson cost in dollars' from 0 to 80 along the y-axis, is shown with 9 data points at (20, 25), (30, 35), (30, 45), (30, 50), (45, 50), (50, 55), (60, 60), (60, 75), and (60, 80).

A scatter plot on graph titled 'piano lessons' showing 'lesson length in minutes' from 0 to 80 along the x-axis and 'lesson cost in dollars' from 0 to 80 along the y-axis, is shown with 9 data points at (25, 30), (35, 20), (45, 30), (50, 30), (50, 60), (55, 50), (60, 45), (75, 60), and (80, 60).
Image with alt text: A scatter plot on graph titled 'piano lessons' showing 'lesson length in minutes' from 0 to 80 along the x-axis and 'lesson cost in dollars' from 0 to 80 along the y-axis, is shown with 9 data points at (25, 30), (35, 20), (45, 30), (50, 30), (50, 60), (55, 50), (60, 45), (75, 60), and (80, 60).

A scatter plot on graph titled 'piano lessons' showing 'lesson length in minutes' from 0 to 80 along the x-axis and 'lesson cost in dollars' from 0 to 80 along the y-axis, is shown with 9 data points at (20, 35), (25, 30), (30, 45), (30, 50), (45, 60), (50, 55), (60, 50), (60, 75), and (60, 80).
Image with alt text: A scatter plot on graph titled 'piano lessons' showing 'lesson length in minutes' from 0 to 80 along the x-axis and 'lesson cost in dollars' from 0 to 80 along the y-axis, is shown with 9 data points at (20, 35), (25, 30), (30, 45), (30, 50), (45, 60), (50, 55), (60, 50), (60, 75), and (60, 80).

A scatter plot on graph titled 'piano lessons' showing 'lesson length in minutes' from 0 to 80 along the x-axis and 'lesson cost in dollars' from 0 to 80 along the y-axis, is shown with 9 data points at (20, 35), (30, 25), (30, 45), (30, 50), (45, 60), (50, 55), (60, 50), (60, 75), and (60, 80).
Image with alt text: A scatter plot on graph titled 'piano lessons' showing 'lesson length in minutes' from 0 to 80 along the x-axis and 'lesson cost in dollars' from 0 to 80 along the y-axis, is shown with 9 data points at (20, 35), (30, 25), (30, 45), (30, 50), (45, 60), (50, 55), (60, 50), (60, 75), and (60, 80).
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The correct scatter plot is the one described in option C.

Explanation: This scatter plot correctly displays the data given in the table. The x-axis represents the lesson length in minutes, ranging from 0 to 80, and the y-axis represents the lesson cost in dollars, ranging from 0 to 80. The 9 data points in the scatter plot represent the different piano instructors, with their corresponding lesson length and cost.