Ashley knit a total of 324 centimeters of scarf over 36 nights. How many nights will Ashley have to spend knitting in order to knit a total of 369 centimeters of scarf? Solve using unit rates.

To find the number of nights Ashley will have to spend knitting in order to knit a total of 369 centimeters of scarf, we can set up a proportion. We know that Ashley knit a total of 324 centimeters of scarf over 36 nights, so the unit rate is 324 centimeters / 36 nights = 9 centimeters/night.

Letting x be the number of nights Ashley needs to knit in order to knit a total of 369 centimeters of scarf, we can set up the proportion 9 centimeters/night = 369 centimeters / x nights.

Cross-multiplying gives 9 * x = 369 * 1, which simplifies to 9x = 369.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 9 gives x = 41.

Therefore, Ashley will have to spend 41 nights knitting in order to knit a total of 369 centimeters of scarf.