Hash functions got the name “hash” because it’s easy to compute the function with a given input but nearly impossible to reverse engineer the hash function to get the original input

A. True
B. False

A. True

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I apologize for any confusion. While it is generally true that hash functions are designed to be difficult to reverse engineer, it is not entirely accurate to say that it is "nearly impossible" to do so. There are potential methods, such as using brute force or leveraging vulnerabilities in the hash function's design, that could potentially lead to the reverse engineering of a hash function. However, in practical terms and with current technology, it is indeed quite challenging to reverse engineer a hash function and obtain the original input.

A. True

Explanation: Hash functions are designed to be one-way functions, meaning that it is easy to compute the hash value for a given input, but it is extremely difficult, if not practically impossible, to reverse engineer the original input from the hash value. This property is what makes hash functions valuable for various applications like data integrity checks, password storage, digital signatures, and more.