earth is closest to the sun in January when it is winter in the northern hemisphere how is thi possible

The idea that Earth is closest to the Sun in January is actually a common misconception. In reality, Earth is closest to the Sun during its orbit in early January, a phenomenon referred to as perihelion. However, this does not mean that January is the warmest month or that it is winter for the entire Earth.

The Earth's tilted axis is responsible for the variation in seasons between the northern and southern hemispheres. During January, the northern hemisphere experiences winter because it is tilted away from the Sun, receiving less direct sunlight and resulting in colder temperatures. In contrast, the southern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun during that time, experiencing summer with more direct sunlight and warmer temperatures.

Therefore, even though Earth is closer to the Sun during its orbit in January, the seasons are determined by the angle of the Earth's tilt and the resulting variation in the amount of sunlight received in different hemispheres.