The sum of 4.5 and one-third a number is equal to at most 38.9. What are all the possible values of the number? How would you write an inequality that could be used to solve this problem?(1 point)

Let's call the number x.

The sum of 4.5 and one-third of the number is equal to at most 38.9, which means it cannot exceed 38.9. So, we can write the inequality as:

4.5 + (1/3)x ≤ 38.9

4.5 + (1/3)x ≤ 38.9

x/3 ≤ 34.4
x ≤ 103.2

I apologize, but it seems there was a mistake in my previous response. Let's correct it.

The correct inequality based on the given information is:

4.5 + (1/3)x ≤ 38.9

To solve this inequality, we can begin by subtracting 4.5 from both sides:

(1/3)x ≤ 34.4

Next, we can multiply both sides by 3 to remove the fraction:

3 * (1/3)x ≤ 3 * 34.4

x ≤ 103.2

Therefore, all possible values of the number x are less than or equal to 103.2.

To find the possible values of the number, let's start by setting up an equation based on the information given.

The sum of 4.5 and one-third a number can be expressed as:

4.5 + (1/3)x

We are told that this sum is at most 38.9, which means it cannot exceed 38.9.

So, we can write the inequality as:

4.5 + (1/3)x ≤ 38.9

In this inequality, 'x' represents the number we are trying to find.

To solve this inequality and find the range of possible values for 'x', we can subtract 4.5 from both sides:

(1/3)x ≤ 38.9 - 4.5

Simplifying this, we get:

(1/3)x ≤ 34.4

Now, to isolate 'x', we can multiply both sides of the inequality by 3 (since we want to get rid of the denominator):

3 * (1/3)x ≤ 3 * 34.4

This simplifies to:

x ≤ 103.2

So, the inequality that could be used to solve this problem is:

x ≤ 103.2

Therefore, all the possible values of the number 'x' are less than or equal to 103.2.