
People/Groups Africa

1. African Union (AU): A continental organization consisting of 55 member states in Africa, aiming to promote unity, peace, and development in the region.

2. Nelson Mandela: The former President of South Africa and a global symbol of the struggle against apartheid and racial discrimination. Mandela played a critical role in promoting reconciliation and unity in post-apartheid South Africa.

3. African leaders: Various influential leaders in Africa who have made significant contributions to their countries and the continent as a whole. Examples include Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana), Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya), Julius Nyerere (Tanzania), and Patrice Lumumba (Democratic Republic of Congo).

4. Pan-Africanism: An ideology and movement that advocates for the unity and solidarity of all people of African descent worldwide. It seeks to promote African self-determination, political and economic independence, and the eradication of colonialism and racism.

5. African Union Summit: An annual gathering of African heads of state and government, providing a platform for discussions and decision-making on key issues affecting the continent's development, security, and governance.

6. African Development Bank (AfDB): A financial institution that provides loans and grants to African governments and private companies for development projects, aiming to promote sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction across the continent.

7. African National Congress (ANC): The ruling political party in South Africa since the end of apartheid. The ANC played a significant role in the country's struggle for liberation and has been instrumental in shaping South Africa's post-apartheid policies and governance.

8. African diaspora: Refers to the communities of people of African descent who are dispersed across different parts of the world, often as a result of slavery, colonization, or migration. African diaspora communities have had a profound impact on cultures, economies, and politics globally.

9. African Union Commission: The administrative body of the African Union responsible for implementing decisions and policies adopted by the AU's member states. It focuses on various areas, including political affairs, peace and security, social development, and economic integration.

10. Africa and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Africa is committed to achieving the 17 SDGs adopted by the United Nations, which include eradication of poverty, access to quality education, gender equality, combating climate change, and building sustainable cities. African countries are working towards meeting these goals through regional and national strategies.